I am in a constant battle with my hand and feet Neuropathy pain now. I have tried every thing I can think of to find relief. I have been seeing a chiropractor on a normal basis. I have purchased expensive insoles. I have tried foot soaks. I have tried pain creams, oils and rubs. I have tried gloves in the past that I could just not find comfort wearing..that is until now.
I was browsing one of my favorite review sites the other night and applied for a product titled Best Compression Gloves. I was approved and immediately placed my order. My product arrived in a few days and I have been very happy with my results. These gloves come in small, medium and large. I have very small hands so I assumed I would need the small. The small fit my hands and fingers very well but I do have to turn down the wrists because they were a bit tight. I have found these gloves to be extremely comfortable to wear and very effective against the swelling in my hands and fingers. I can wear them at work or at home. Since these gloves are finger less they do not affect my ability to type and in fact I am wearing them as I type this review. These gloves are so comfortable I can even manage to go to sleep in them. This has been a blessing since I can sleep in them my hands are not so swollen I can hardly move them in the morning! The gloves are breathable which means they are not very warm in the cold but not useless in the heat.
I have noticed one small thing that I am a bit disappointed with in these gloves. They have little thin rubber like designs on the under side of the palms and fingers. I loved this feature as it made gripping things very easy also. I am upset that with my daily use my grippers as I call those designs are starting to peel off leaving the glove not as easy to grip with. This is really the only thing that I have found that is not absolutely perfect for me with these gloves and the only real area I have found that could use improvement for the product.
I am very happy with the product for the deal I received them for. I would recommend working on the grip design so that it lasts much longer on the product. I have not sent mine into laundry yet so I am not sure the grippers will survive that process. In due time I will find out though. The compression is amazing with these gloves and for my condition at least works perfect. I have had such good luck with these gloves I am more than interested in some of the other products in this line.
Find you #CompressionComfort here