Saturday, November 28, 2015

Having A Bad Day...Cute Emergency Is On the Way

Such a Cute Cover
Adorable Back Also


 This book is 163 pages of total cuteness. It has pages full of kittens, puppies, hedgehogs, rabbits, and even a few cows. It is really hard to remain in a bad mood flipping through and reading these cute quotes and sayings with such cute pictures. 

The book does not require a lot of time to read. The pages are mostly pictures with a sentence or two to go along with them to add to the humor. It can be hard to pick out a favorite because there are just so many to choose from. I narrowed mine down to 2 but just can't seem to choose between the dog that looks like Grandma or the shake it off dog. Both are very cute and funny. Feel free to vote in the comments to help me decide!

Shake It Off
Grandma That You?

The book has 5 chapters. 0-2 Low being the first, 2-4 Moderate being the second, 4-6 High being third, 6-8 Severe being fourth, and 9+ Extreme being fifth. I believe this to be how bad of a day you are having based on the introduction to each chapter. There is also an introduction, afterward, acknowledgments, and photo credits section to this book.

Overall this is a very cute book by Tony Heally. I really enjoyed looking through it especially if I had had a bad day. Some photos will make you smile while others will go as far as to make you laugh out loud, literally. I would recommend this for anyone who enjoys cuteness to an extreme. It is great for all ages children through adults.

I did receive this book free from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest unbiased review. This review has in no way been influenced by the book being free, blogging for books, or the author. The opinions here are 100% my own after reading this book myself.

If you would like more information about Cute Emergency click here

For more information about the author Tony Heally click here

Monday, November 9, 2015

Girl That Is Just TMI

Little Miss Overshare by Dan Zevin is an adult parody to the children's book series from back in my day Little Miss. This book is not one to share with the little ones however. There are some crude sense of humor parts that would be better not to fall on little ears. I do have to say that the book is funny in an adult sense of humor type of way.

The book is very quick to read. In fact I read it one morning after I got ready for work. Yes that is right I finished in probably less than 30 minutes and in one sitting. Counting from the first real page of the book it seems there are 30 pages. Each page has the reading on one side and a picture to go with it on the other. This breaks down to about 15 actual pages of reading. The reading is equal to about one small paragraph on most of the pages. Again a really quick to read book but very funny.

I can't decide if my favorite part of the book was the little old lady Little Miss Overshare meets on the street or if it is the part of Little Miss Overshares birthday party. Both of these literally made me laugh out loud. This is all I am going to say so as not to ruin it for anyone interested in actually reading the book.

The illustrations are almost exactly like the books from years ago during my childhood. They are colorful and the little people are mostly round with arms and legs. If you remember Little Miss Sunshine you will feel flashback to your childhood with the drawings.

Overall a great little short read if you are in need of a good laugh. I am interested in checking into some of the other books in this series. In addition to Little Miss Overshare there are also Mr. Selfie, Mr. Humblebrag and Little Miss Basic. If you are not into Overshare there is still some entertainment in this series for you!

I did receive this book free from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest unbiased opinion. The free book or author has not in any way influenced this review. The review you have read is 100% my own opinion after I have read it myself.