Saturday, September 12, 2015

Does the Happify App Really Help You Find Happiness?

I am a sucker for trying new apps from games to shopping and all that comes in between so when I was scrolling down my Facebook wall and seen an advertisement for Happify I thought what the heck I will check it out sounds like something I might actually like.The app was free with the ability to make in app purchases of course so I hit the download button. I have been using the app for almost a week now and I can't really say that I am happier but I can tell you that the little games are fun at first but become repetitive and that I absolutely love the serenity scene. I have completed some of the tasks in one of the little course things they do and earned a few stars. I have no idea what the stars are for but they were fun to earn. I have become a bit bored with the games now and the tasks to earn the stars are fun but require some thinking to complete and you write a few short statements or so. This is fun for a while but the new wears off and it does get boring. I still use the app for the Serenity scene however because I can turn on one of these scenes and for 2. 5. or 10 minutes just relax and enjoy the sounds and scenes. I use the 2 and 5 minute intervals most often because carving out 10 minutes is a true challenge in itself.

So overall the low down on this app is this: I would give it 3 out of 5 stars. This is why I have chose this rating. First the games become boring very quickly. Second most people who are looking to kick back and relax while searching for happiness is not really in the mood to think and write about those thoughts. Yet almost anyone could you a few minutes to just escape the daily grind and relax.

Advice for the makers of this app, yes, I have a bit. First, make the games more fun and engaging or at least have more than the few to play so that it does not become so repetitive so quickly. This would help keep users engaged for more than just a week. The tasks are fun but really do we need the stress of a time frame to complete them? We are looking for relaxing happiness here not more stress! Continue to add to the Serenity scenes I say you are right on par with these, they are by far my most favorite part and honestly the reason I still have the app installed. I am still checking it out though because I am sure there are things I have just not found yet.

Well there you have it. Another review on another product. Hope this has helped you decide if Happify is the door to your happiness. Enjoy!

_happify screen happify

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